In order to facilitate sustainable change in our hospitals, the Registered Nurse Labor Management Initiative (RNLMI) was created to assist labor and management in achieving strategic priorities, including jointly enhanced nurse satisfaction leading to improved recruitment and retention of RNs, better clinical quality programs and patient satisfaction.
Similar to the Labor Management Project (LMP), the RNLMI works with multiple Funds such as the Training and Upgrading Fund, Job Security Fund (RNTJSF) and other departments in the Training and Employment Funds (TEF) by using collaboration to drive change. Initiatives are undertaken not as “projects” but as an ongoing “way of life”, seeking to make permanent change in the culture and/or manner of operation/work processes. Initiatives are designed to achieve:
• Improved RN satisfaction
• Improved quality of patient care
• Enhanced patient satisfaction
• Alignment with strategic priorities
• Cost effectiveness based on mutual agreement of cost parameters
In addition to affecting how the units function, initiatives may involve change to work process, support systems and delivery of services from departments outside the unit that affect the delivery of care on the units. Such initiatives affect the work performed by RN’s and others on, and outside, the units and will therefore require sponsorship, participation and cooperation of managers, employees and Union representatives from both inside and outside nursing.
RNLMI Core Work
- Work with teams to develop initiative using SMART criteria (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely) that all institutions are eager to commit to; ensuring the program considers regulatory and legislative changes; meet goals of both constituents (staff satisfaction, quality of care, patient satisfaction and safety, and fit with institution’s strategic goals).
- Provide forums for learning and sharing: trainings; presentation of best practices; sharing of challenges where group can assist in problem-solving; develop collegial approach across participants; conduct site visits with facility/union leadership; provide content experts where necessary
- Incorporate technology – i.e. webinars; conference calls; website of resources
- Partner with other organizations which can provide technical or other assistance (i.e. GNYHA)
For more information on the RNLMI please contact:
(212) 894-4304