Important Alerts and Reminders

  • Aetna Choice POS II has been the wraparound network supplementing the Benefit Funds’ directly contracted network for coverage outside New York City since March 2, 2023. Aetna Choice POS II New York City provider locations are considered nonparticipating. Members must use the Benefit Funds’ provider network when seeking medical services in New York City. If members receive services from Aetna Choice POS II network providers in New York City, Aetna‘s allowance is not applicable, and services are paid at the Benefit Funds’ non-participating schedule of allowances.
  • Keep your information up to date. Please review the information we have on record for you, then submit any changes using the Provider Demographic Information Change Request Form, along with a Form W-9. You can easily access the form and instructions from the Benefit Funds’ online provider directory by finding your listing in the directory, selecting “Report an Issue” and indicating your role as provider. While in the online directory, add your photo to your directory profile by selecting “Upload Provider Photo.”

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