Training and Employment Funds help you advance your healthcare career

The Home Care Industry Education Fund (HCIEF), which is part of the 1199SEIU Training and Employment Funds network, offers educational programs to advance your career.

Beginning Your Education Journey

Whether you want to improve your computer skills, further your knowledge to care for clients, or take part in programs that support your journey to a college degree or occupational credential, the HCIEF offers opportunities to support your aspirations. Classes are available in reading comprehension, essay writing, math, science, digital literacy, a high school equivalency program and more.

Health Careers College Core Curriculum (HC4) Program

The Health Careers College Core Curriculum (HC4) Program is a supported program for adult learners with little or no experience in higher education who are pursuing undergraduate degrees in various allied health fields. The HC4 Program works with college partners to enable you, alongside other healthcare workers, to take “core” prerequisite courses required to complete your healthcare degree.

College Degree Programs

Do you dream of becoming a licensed practical nurse, registered nurse or social worker, or to work in another healthcare occupation? The HCIEF provides college education at little or no cost to you. You are also eligible for an array of support services, including academic advising, tutoring, and workshops and one-on-one sessions on time management.

For more information, call (844) TEF-1199 or visit our Training and Employment Fund page.